Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Evaluation - how does your media product represent gender?

The film starts with a cross dissolve into a boy and a girl standing on a bridge talking. This long shot has high level lighting which supports the romantic genre and is a romantic location which is feminine. This is a traditional representation of women because it is a feminine shot and location making women come across as girly which is how they are usually represented especially in the romantic genre.

Throughout this film there are pictures in a scrap book which come to life as individual clips and in all of them the costume supports the traditional representation of women. In all the clips the girl is wearing a dress and heels which creates a traditional representation of women being girly and the heels make her look dressed up which also supports the traditional idea that women should be glamorous and looked at as sex objects. The shot types also support this in that they are mainly mid shots and long shots with only a few close ups suggesting that the audience should be looking at girls bodies rather than faces. 

In the clips there are sound affects used which bring the moving pictures to life and make it more realistic to the audience. The sound affects are calming and support the romantic atmosphere supporting the traditional representation of women being placid and not having much personality or strength. Also throughout the whole film there is non-diegetic parallel music which is just a piano and is very romantic and feminine supporting the traditional idea that women are girly and never masculine. 

Part way into the film there is a cross-dissolve to the boy and girl running towards ducks and the ducks are running away from them. Whilst the girl and boy are running the boy is in front of the girl holding her hand in the lead. This gives the effect that the man is dominant and leading the way of the woman and that she is following. This creates a traditional representation of men as he is shown to be in control and to always be in charge. 

Towards the end of the clip there is a cut to an extreme long shot of the boy picking up the girl and spinning her round. This creates a traditional representation of men as he is shown to be stronger than the woman and able to lift her and be dominant and in control. There is then a non-diegetic voice over which says "when you used to spin me around and hug me, i never wanted you to let go." this creates a traditional representation of women as it shows her to be more affectionate and to be dependent on the mans attention and to not want to be left alone.

Memory Lane Final Film

Evaluation - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Evaluation - what kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

An institution that would distribute my film would be Warner Bros. I have chosen this company because it has distributed a lot of films that had a romantic genre which is the same as our film. Warner Bros have distributed films such as Sex and the City 2, Valentines Day, Pretty Woman and A Cinderella Story. All of these films were a big success and became hollywood blockbusters so I would trust Warner Bros to do the same with my film. I have also chosen this distribution company because even though they would have a much higher budget than my production company (Capture Productions) I think that because they are such a huge American company they could distribute my film world wide which would help Capture Productions as we are a small British  film company.

Evaluation - audience reaction to our film

This audience reaction to my final film is similar to the feedback cards i received from people in my target audience. I am proud of this film because everyone said the sound affects worked well and made the film come to life so i know it was a successful idea. A lot of people said that it could be faster paced but as it is a romantic film I believe it works better than having an action packed story line and opening because it would not fit the conventions of the romantic genre. In my research I watched openings from romantic films and they are also slow starting and don't have lots of dialogue so I didn't make too many changes and I think once the credits were added on the book didn't look so blank on screen.


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